Accuracy vs. Enjoyment

Would you rather have a system that accurately portrays the grooves (or pits) in the record or CD,
or one which sounds good on the majority of discs?
Acknowledging that not all media are created equal, the best system will sound best on the best, most accurate discs.  But what if the great majority of average sounding discs don’t measure up, and indeed are annoying compared to the best?
What then?

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Both are high end in my view but not the highest end, good enough for me.
There are two types of accuracy:

"Accuracy #1" can only be obtained if your system is the exact same system the recording engineer or artist uses before they release the CD or LP because that is what they use to tweak their artwork. Not only the same system but the same acoustic environment as well since your room affects what you hear.

"Accuracy #2" is a system that has zero losses from distortion from source to speaker in a room that is acoustically ideal. And we know that does not exist.

That's why I vote enjoyment.
gs5556 / Both #1 & #2 above are unattainable. What's not unattainable (yet still progressive) is using live non amplified music as the accuracy goal while enjoying the results throughout the process.