Acoustic Zen Silver Ref vs. Kimber Select 1030

Has anyone compared Acoustic Zen Silver Ref with Kimber Select 1030? I am interested in hearing about other's experiences. Thanks!

Showing 3 responses by gpalmer

I have all three AZ interconnects (Silver Refs, Matrix Refs and WOWs). The Silver References are definatley better than the Matrix. They have a tighter, better defined bottom end. The other differences are exactly what you say you're looking for, air, openness, and transparency, although the I prefer the midrange of the Matrix refs slightly to the Silver Refs. The Silver refs are definately more detailed, in a nice way. Sounds like you should give it a try. BTW - Yes, it takes a while to break in the Silver Refs, I didn't time it but it was longer than I was expecting.
Eagle, thanks for the upgrade tip, I called them this morning and they said the upgrade was $75 a set plus shipping. How does the upgrade imrpve on the original? (I have a set of the new style but they are breaking in yet, so the only noticeable difference is the plastice sleeves on the cable ends.)
Thanks, Eagle, can't tell you how much I appreciate the information, those changes sound like just the ticket, mine are going back for an upgrade!
