Active speakers to replace GMA Europas

In the process of selling my equipment to finish paying off for graduate school but still would like to get quality sound on a budget. Currently this is my setup.

GMA Europa
Modded Bolder Squeezebox 2
Onix Melody SP3 Integrated tube amp

Let me first say that I love my equipment and love the sound I get from the GMA Europas. Besides the monetary issues I have also been thinking of giving up my precious setup to achieve a more minimalistic setup due to space constraints and future plans on having kids.

What I really want to do now is simply have a pair of active speakers going to airport express to my mac. Eventually down the line I would get a dac. First things first though, are there any comparable speakers for around 600 new/used that can compete with GMA Europas? I been hearing a lot of the Audioengine 5 and NHT M00 but cannot see them being in the same league as the Europas?

I need some suggestions everyone even in it goes above 600.

I been hearing a lot of the Audioengine 5 and NHT M00 but cannot see them being in the same league as the Europas?

Of course not.

If you can find NHT M-00 and S-00 then you will have an equivalent setup but specifically intended for a Studio desktop.

The Genelec 8020A is another excellent option which image well and have excellent mids. Also designed for a Studio desktop.
The Quad 12L Active can be had near to your budget and are a possibility. As to whether or not they are in the same league as the Europas, I'd say "maybe."