Is it just me or am I the only one that has had it with overly pushy audiophiles that push measurements as the end all be all. I’m not talking about healthy discussions on measurements but obnoxious ones that talk down to you because of the measurements of your system or equipment is not perfect for them? All cables and cords are snake oil to them if it doesn’t register on their meters? Am I the only that feels this way? 


If you’ll allow me another analogy, I think back to the seventies and eighties when I found myself in the world of business. Without any formal training and very little guidance, I had to invent my own way of doing things. I had studied physics at university so I naturally fell into using numbers and accounting to control and shape the organisation. I looked for mathematical relationships in the figures as if I was doing physical science.

This approach was successful up to a point, but the real world is irreducible, messy and unpredictable. Organisations have both a hard and a soft side. Numbers and accounting aren’t a panacea. You have to leave room for the individuality, intuitiveness and creativity of people. To give their best they need a degree of autonomy and freedom so that the organisation can respond to complexity.

Similarly in hifi, the quantitative engineering approach is the essential foundation on which everything is built, Yet it is not the whole story because there is a need for qualitative thinking to get the complete picture. There has to be a balance between control and freedom or the scientific and the artistic.



My Borresen X3's don't measure particularly well but sound fantastic...Natural and coherent. I love 'em!

Mbmi I believe you, probably my X1 don’t have good measurements but sound amazing.Even the yagdrassil don’t have a good measurement I think but according to the review of Robert Harley it sound phenomenal.

My ’2 bits’ ( "2 cents!? Average ’stop ’n rob’ has that in and on the parking lot...") is I like to see some ’basic stats’ on any item that a card has to be used to buy it.

It seemed to be a standard issue of publication, and the cynic in me wonders why the ’habit’ got an intervention it didn’t need.....z

After a time, I’ve assumed that any decent to SOTA piece of gear has reached a ’singularity’ of sorts....

’Beyond This, All Else is Taste and Preference."

Cables, IC’s, and the plethora of choices seem to point to that of late to this unwashed and guilty irrelevant.....seems a very subtle version of 'eq' imho...'s your dollar$ to do with....

I just enjoy where I’m at for the present that won’t hold still.... ;)

You’re so fine
Lose my mind
And the world seems to disappear
All the problems
All the fears
And the world seems to

....for awhile, for enough.....

If the shoe fits…..well except it probably won’t with no measurements.