Add an external DAC. Make my Oppo UDP-205 a true top player

I am not sold on my Oppo UDP-205 audio reproduction.  .  It plays all formats, but audio needs improvement.   Looking for audiophiles that have felt the same a bought a DAC..  Which one did you buy.  What works really well?
What specifically are you looking to improve upon, are what overall sound and performance characteristics are most important to you?
Jrwaudio, got the PLUS power supply,  upgrade power cords and USB, umbilical? If not, you have some potential improvements on horizon.  :)
Truthfully that oppo measures incredibly well.  If you don't like it's sound signature, I would go in the opposite direction to get a different flavor.  

Look at an R2R, or something that doesn't use Sabre Chips.  Heck, maybe a tubed unit.

But the Oppo uses killer chips, and has a nice power supply.  
Prior to selling my 205, I found a large improvement in sonics by placing a Vibrapod 4 under each foot. I never found Vibrapods to do anything particularly worthwhile in the past, but they seemed to make a significant improvement on the Oppo. You might even have some lying around. Cant’ hurt to try. Well, I guess you would be out $25 or so, but that’s not much in the audio game.
Holy S&^$t, I forgot to mention Machina Dynamica New Dark Matter. It looks like smoked mylar, costs ~ $40. The user cuts the pieces to fit in the cd tray. It magically removes/absorbs/eliminates... the scattered laser light inside the player/transport. I guarantee your jaw will drop

Absolutely a must have product. Try it before buying anything else

The issue with an outboard dac is everything matters; the type/quality of the cable, the power cord, of course it will need to be properly isolated= mo money mo money mo money
