Adding a Squeezebox - Upgrading Path?

I am thinking of getting a Squeezebox for my source, cd's are being ripped to Apple Lossless. Would hooking this Squeezebox up to my used Theta Pro Progency DAC make a difference or is this technology surpassed by the stand alone Squeezebox

This is for a small living room system that I am slowly upgrading. Currently it is older Paradigm Titan Monitor speakers, powered by a 10 year old Onkyo receiver and fed by an Onkyo 6 disc changer which has an outboard DAC Theta Pro Progency that we picked up (used) several years ago.

Main system is Vandersteen 2ceSignatures, Classe CAP 151 integrated amp and Classe 1.5 cd player. Vandersteens are too big for the living room.
Can the paradigms handle some major upgrading or should I be looking at speakers as well? We have been listening to Dali Ikon 6's and we're also fond of Totems. Major issue here is that the speaker needs to be quite close to the wall in this room...pulling the Titans another 6 inches from the wall,now they are about 8" from the wall has actually been helpful.

Have been away from reading all the audio mags for a few years and am amazed by the changes such as pc audio........ah yes, the audio bug has bitten again!
Thanks for any and all suggestions..
Just connect the Theta's RCA outs to the Aux in on your amp, assuming your CD player still occupies the CD in's on your amp. Quite honestly apart from Phono in and Tape out all the other RCA in's on your amp or preamp are fair game.
You did not mention a pre or integrated amp so i assume you will be using the volume control on the Squeezebox
Integrated amp will be used. So then I use the aux for between the Theta and the amp. then the Squeezebox goes into another line level....and it is connected to the Theta and so to play the Squeezebox with the Theta engaged I use the aux button on amp. Meaning that if i want to hear the Sqeezebox on its own I use the button for whatever I hooked the Sqeezebox too - for example there is a disc setting on this amp...
Thanks, Audiowoman
The squeezebox should not be directly connected to the integrated amp. Always run it through the Theta. If you want to hear it without an outboard DAC remove the Theta from the chain.
If you like you can make the connections as you suggested but i suspect you will pick up distortion and noise. Some network music servers disengage the analog out when the Digital is engaged; i am uncertain whether the squeezebox will do the same
Okay, just so I am clear, I hook the Theta to the amp say to aux 1, then the Theta to the Squeezebox with the digital coax and then when I use the aux input for the Theta to play through the amp, the Squeezebox will be a part of that?

thanks so much for your help on this.
I have a Roku Soundbridge, not Squeezebox.

Hooking that to a relatively low cost mhdt Paradisea tube DAC made a huge difference.

I suspect the same would be true for the Squeezebox using a good external DAC.

Try it with the DAC you have and listen. You have nothing to lose.

If the sound is still not what you're looking for, you can try other DACs. Benchmark and mhdt tube DACs are two radically different sounding ones that are both relatively affordable and would be a good indicator of what is possible with an external DAC.