Adding a tube amp is a good idea?

Dear all, 

Hope your 2025 is off to a good start! I am thinking about adding a tube amp. Particularly Audio Research ref S80. Nicely used unit can be had for a reasonable price so I am considering it. You can see my virtual system for a full list but my system consists of LTA preamp, Pass Labs X250.8 amp and JA Perspective2 speakers. Totally happy and satisfied with the sound I get from the system, but just want to have another amp for a different flavour. Do you guys think ref 80s sounds different enough, for better or worse? Let me know what you think. Thanks 



I knew it!!  I think you will like the Elekit 8200.  Read some very good things on that unit. If you like it (and I'm quite sure you will), consider upgrading to Lundahl OPT.  I think it will pair up great with your FR driver in triode.

I have a Ray integrated with the 6L6/Lundahls driving Omega speakers.  They work great together.  Very synergistic. 

Let us know how you like the Elekit.

Maybe it's just me but I like folk,jazz, acoustic music on my tube system and rock on my Integrated Amp set up.

Many probably would share similar feelings.  What blows me away is how a 4wpc SET driving a full range driver coupled with small REL subs allows me to enjoy 90% of my CD collection.  Yes, there are some recordings that clearly are better sounding on my "big system"  However, there are also some recordings I prefer on this smaller more modest system.

My only hesitation with tube amps are the heat and the the potential of endless tube rolling and life and cost of power tubes.  In addition, I would probably drive myself crazy trying to figure out when to replace the tubes.  My solution is my tube pre amp and solid state monoblock amps. 

I concur with goose and some others, that driving low impedance, power demanding speakers with a tub power amp, no mater how good they may sound,  can be a never ending and expensive battle of replacing blown tubes, fuses and resistors.

For a couple of years I drove my 87db. 4-ohm Maggies with a 100W tube amp with KT-120 tubes. The sound of the Maggies with the the tubes was incredible. But, even though I listened at low to moderate levels, two times I had tubes blow. Not only did I have to replace tubes, but also resistors and fuses, turning into an expense and headache.

From now on, I'll stick with a tube Pre. combined with a high current power amp, or a hybrid integrated amp, to drive my Maggies, as I have no intention of giving up the Maggies.

It appears that your speakers might be a little power demanding, so is something to consider.
