Dialing in a room is tricky. Typically, multiple subs are helpful. In addition, having adjustable phase on those subs is helpful. I have both REL and Rythmik subs, but only Rythmik’s adjustable phase makes it possible to get the room dialed in. The last piece of the puzzle is DSP. I run all three subs through a miniDSP and that completes the integration. A response from 20-300 Hz within +/- 4db of flat. Bass is full and also articulate.
What’s great about the Rythmik phase control is that it allows one to position the sub where one wants it in the room (to avoid locations where room modes exist---peaks or nulls, a consequence of room dimensions); then, the phase control is used to align the sub with the main speakers. Many of use would not own a sub without a continuously-variable phase control. The 0/180 phase switch on many subs, including the REL, is far too crude to be of much value in a high performance system.
REL is clearly a good product and they have a very vocal and earnest fan base. As I said, I love my REL sub, but the ability to adjust phase in a variable way is an absolutely crucial feature for anyone without a dedicated listening room and the dozens of hours it takes to get a sub without variable phase placed. It is ridiculous for REL not to include this feature, but they don’t. Yes they have a "high level" way to connect to the amp, etc., but that’s not very important if they task is achieving a blend with both room and subs.