You don’t pay me so I have no obligation to meet any sort of criteria. Your claim that mega buck speakers are superior. Back that up first, then I’ll consider playing your game. Oh, no, I won’t.
Just look at the waterfall, distortion and compression data. Micromotor tweets suck. Do your own research.
JA often says things completely at odd with his own measurements. At the very least, JA and I are in agreement that all the Focal tweeters are very similar performers, regardless of price. You may call that good, I do not. As far as I am concerned, the Focal tweeters are mediocre, and the high end speakers are not actually better.
The past Magico tweeter (which I posted model data) and the current Be/Graphene tweeter OTOH however is a really stellar performer. Sounds and measures far better than anything out of Focal and B&W on and off axis. (personally I find them tuned too bright, but still stellar sounding!) So, there’s a great example, as are several examples I have shown you before. If you want me to do more research for you you’d have to meet my hourly rates, and I would have to care.
I have given you specific examples of driers and speaker makers and models of what I consider significantly better. That is all you get.
On the other hand, as far as hobby talking, I put Golden Ears, Focal and B&W on one camp, with Magico, Gryphon and YG on another. If you think the previous set is any good at all, switch to the latter. and compare.