I would just go out auditioning. See if you are seduced by some other speakers There has been huge jumps in speaker technology. So, it should not be hard. Should be fun planning a few short trips... maybe some to local audiophile’s homes.
For me, after over thirty years with planar speakers. I started sampling all acoustic venues for music... single piano... small jazz. Then ten years 7th row center of the symphony and the result was I realized that my system did an incredible job of bringing out the details of the venue and the recording, could sound spectacular for certain pieces... but the emotional connection was gone. I’d get bored and go do something else after 45 minutes. I realized I had taken a wrong turn along the way. I found Sonus Faber Speakers and optimized my electronics. I haven’t lost the details, but got the music back and emotional connections. The details are presented in the properly perspective. I now have a music system. Now I have to drag myself away after two or three hours of listening. Well worth the effort.