Advice on switching to separates

Currently using an Exposure 2010s integrated amp with Harbeth mini monitors. I am absolutely satisfied with the overall performance but have always been wanting to try separates. My question is can i better my integrated with separates on a budget of around 1500 dollars. I also have Omega super 6 Alnicos speakers from a second system which was scrapped. Due to space limitations I now use the Harbeths because they are smaller, but they can be switched back in if I can put together a system that beats the one I currently have. Any suggestions or should I be happy with what I have. Thanks.

Showing 3 responses by philjolet

If you want a change maybe the Naim Nait 5i is worth a try.

I think the only people that should buy separates are the ones that are spending $10,000> for reasons stated above.

ad nauseum...
Jmelet said:


what do you mean?

I think integrated amps are very good and their limits are only bettered if you spend the big bucks on separates.

Who wants to buy the extra ICs and PCs and rack space necessary with separates?

btw the freakin planet I am from is Earth.

chillax dude...

I can see that posting my opinion has angered you.

I see this forum as a chance to exchange opinions and that is what you will get here.

I can also understand people want separates and enjoy trading components and separates offer more chance to experiment and enjoy the hobby.

I will also concede that $10,000> is a bit extreme and maybe I was trying to make a point that I think is really best for most involved, but I see no reason for you to yell at me with the caps lock on.

Yelling does not help so please reconsider the use of cap locks.
