If you are thinking in this kind of price category, I separate phonostage will be a significant factor. I have not heard Dr. Feikert, just know it gets good reviews.
I suggest figure out for yourself of what you want from your new TT:
- 1 vs 2 tonearm option? I for along time thought I had t have at least 2 arms available, then realized that in reality, I will not fuss with that. Be honest with yourself.
- VTA adjustments yes/no? I had a VPI to fiddle with VTA, but could not hear a difference unless comparing same track to digital file, so that went out of the window.
- Are you a tinkerer or a listener? With your current set-up do you modify things all the times, or are you leaving things as they are? I'm about 85% in the second camp.
- Looks: do you like traditional look or do you like something more out there, arty? Do you care? The Feikerts are more traditional almost vintage, while I prefer a bit more industrial looks. Nothing but personal preference.
I sympathize with you re not being able to listen to candidates. I think this is the modern reality. I went to Upscale Audio (Dr. Feikert dealer), and requested a demo to see whether I could hear differences between plinths (so same cart, same electronics). The flat out refused to set that up. So even if you could go to a store, chances are slim that you could actually experience it.
I bought a Rega Naia package in the end. It is a set-it and forget-it TT. Sounds better than my previous VPI. I like the space age look, even if I am not a fan of foam.
my 2c.