Advice Please...H/K or NAD?

My first post here...I need some advice. Within the past year I purchased a Harman Kardon 3490 2 channel receiver. I am done with home theatre, and this H/K piece seemed to be reviewed very well in all forums. I have been using it with a pair of Klipsch KG 4.2 speakers and have been pleased with the set up. That was until I came upon a used NAD 2400 THX amp and a 1600 tuner/preamp, which sounds awesome as well, and I am at a stalemate. I know, the best advice is keep 'em both! But that is not an option, so which set up would you keep and why? Thanks!

This is interesting to me since I have an HK 3490 and have thought about upgrading - possibly to a NAD, based solely on reviews. How does the HK sound compared to the NAD?

Hey Ryan, I'm finding very crisp highs on the H/K but lacking in mid range. Drums and vocals sound clearer on the NAD, but I am using the loudness button on with the NAD to bring in a fuller sound and better bass. They both sound good, just different. I cannot say one is better than the other from my ears. What do you think of your H/K?
Both are great sounding, but in the avr category NAD is a well regarded brand.
I've really enjoyed my 3490. I use it in my nearfield desktop setup, driving a pair of Era D4s. I got it because it had a build in DAC, great price, and good power. I've only had a chance to compare it to one other receiver - my Marantz SR5002. It is very similar sounding, but I feel the SR5002 has a slight edge in sound quality with slightly better separation in instruments and a little better presence overall, but very slight.
