Aero Capitole as a preamp?

Im thinking of rearranging my system and wonder if the Aero will be a good preap for my analog system, and is it better, worse or the same as my current preamp. Currently I have a Aesthetix Calypso and the analog front end it TNT 5 with the Whest phono stage. The Capitole would replace the Calypso, Sony 9000es VSD level 5 and one interconnect and one power cord. Does it make sence?



Showing 1 response by 1markr

I've been this path already, and all I can tell you is that you will most likely be disappointed with the preamp performance, especially compared to your Calypso. I too wanted it to replace seperates and cables, but no go.

I had the Audio Aero Prima DAC (same DAC as in the Capitole) with the built-in preamp like the Capitole, and it was average at best, nothing noteworthy. At that time, my Modwright 999ES was also better than the Prima DAC, so the DAC was sold rather quickly. I now have a Modwright 9000es, which is quite a bit better than the 999ES.

To answer your question, IMO, no, it doesn't make sense to me and I think you will be disappointed.