Aesthetix Calypso vs. Ayre K-5xe

Knowing that both products represent a great value in their class I´m highly interested in their particular differences as I´m not able to audition them together.
Thanks for your input.
Having used both, I can say without any reservation that the Calypso is way ahead of the Ayre in any meaningful area you wish to compare. The Ayre is a more introductory piece where the Calypso is "High end" as high end gets. Read the reviews, they are right on the money with this piece. The Calypso is impossible to beat at its price level in my opinion. It's that good.
A more meaningful comparison would be between the Ayre K1xe and the Calypso.
You may have a problem mating the Calypso with your Ayre amp. I have heard there are serious and unsurmountable problems between Aethetix and Ayre gear.
Ejlif is correct concerning the issue with Calypso and Ayre amps. However, Charles Hansen recently posted a reply (Do a discussion search on Aesthetix) addressing this issue and which models are impacted. He also discusses how to repair if your amp is an older model.
It would definitely have to be a newer Ayre as Charles Hansen stated in your previous thread. Otherwise there is a problem as I noted in that same previous thread. It will hum with the V5xe unless it has been upgraded to work in which case it does make a beautiful pair sonically. Been there and heard it!