"I realize speakers should not be bought solely on the basis of others opinions, but a guide to a path can be suggested (hopefully), especially by the many knowledgeable people here."
You'll have no problem getting recommendations, you just want to try to get the right recommendations for you. If dynamics are important, you will definately want to get something easy to drive. In your price range, I think you may like something from Monitor Audio or possibly a pair of used Vandersteen Model 1's (If you can find a pair).
I don't usually recommend something unless I know it well, but I would also consider a pair of used Tekton's. I haven't heard them myself but everyone who has, seems to rave about them. $500 isn't too much $, maybe take a chance.
You'll have no problem getting recommendations, you just want to try to get the right recommendations for you. If dynamics are important, you will definately want to get something easy to drive. In your price range, I think you may like something from Monitor Audio or possibly a pair of used Vandersteen Model 1's (If you can find a pair).
I don't usually recommend something unless I know it well, but I would also consider a pair of used Tekton's. I haven't heard them myself but everyone who has, seems to rave about them. $500 isn't too much $, maybe take a chance.