Affordable US Made Tube Pre/Power or Integrated Options

I'm considering switching to tube amplification from solid state. I'm fine with separate pre/power or an integrated. I'll be driving Enzo XL's in a smallish room (17x14) and listening levels are almost always <90db so 30-40 watts should be more than enough. My budget is fairly modest, $2-3k all in. I don't need phono or more than 3 inputs but I would like remote for volume at minimum. Quality build and sound is a priority as is ease of support/repairs if needed. The one unique requirement is that my preference would be for US made if at all possible. Obviously, this limits the options quite a bit but I'd like to see if I can make it work. If not, I'm willing to look at other options.

Here's what I've found so far

Mapletree Line 2CRM, $800 (not US but close)
LTA MZ2- $1595

Power Amps:
Tubes4hifi ST70-35w, $1300
Audio by Van Alstine Ultravalve-35w?, $1599
Quicksilver Mid Mono-40w each, $1995/pair

Rogue Cronus- 100w, $2395
Any others?

I'm open to any other options you may know of. Also, if there's any insight or positive experiences with matching pre/power amp please share. I'm new to tubes so I have a lot to learn.

Quality, reliability, customer service, pride in ownership, morality, ethics, self-sufficiency. That's all. 
PrimaLuna and many other Chinese made are sans pareil. Support is superb.

Tubes4HiFi, for one, are American made of crap Chinese parts and an utter joke wrt assembly. Support? meh.

A great many tube amp claims are as lunatic as cables: Lots of verbiage w/o any science.
I’ll be the third to recommend Aric Audio. I currently run two of his preamps in two systems. They are simply wonderful. There are some very good reviews online. His products are reasonably priced,and solidly built. 
Aric Audio looks really excellent to my eye. Question for the tube people here -- my tube preamp has two 12AX7 tubes. These Arics have many more tubes. Can you tell me why someone might prefer a preamp with two vs. more than two tubes? If the OP is considering the costs of tube replacement, that might bear on the OP's question. It's certainly something I'm curious about. @mesch , others, any thoughts?