Everyone has the right to have his own opinion, even clearthink. Even if we are not friends. It doesn’t matter at all.
Let him say whatever he wants to say. We live in a free world. I said it many times; audio will always be chosen by what people prefer and love most.
I speak the owner of AudioService about 3 times each week. He owns the biggest company in technical support in audio in the Benelux. (Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg)
He does the technical support for:
-Lumin, Pass Labs, Mark Levinson, Marantz, Accuphase, Anthem, Arcam, Quad, Avalon, Chord, Classe, DCS, Denon, Esoteric, Onkyo, TEAC, JL Audio, Hegel, Luxman, Meridian, McIntosh, Moon, NAD, Primare, Paradigm, Parasound, Spectral, T+A, Theta, Velodyne and many more.
All manufacturers have one thing in common according to AudioService, they use cheaper parts after time goes on. We talk a lot about the parts these brands use. The audio market is a decreasing market. This is why they all use cheaper parts these days. This makes it for us so easy to do modifications. The results prove the effectiveness of it.
AudioService does also different modifications for us. And this year we will make all our modifications free for all brands. We always work with different specialists who have a lot of experiences with audio and also modifications.
We share a lot of ideas with different specialists. We will make soon many professional videos of our clients. We will let them speak of their own experiences with Tru-Fi and our modifications.