Alfa Core Goertz MI2

On another thread I asked for recommendations for IC and speaker cables. These were recommended more than once, and I've done considerable research since and this cable keeps coming up. I've decided to give it a try.

However, my speakers have the bi-wire/amp inputs and the MI2 bi-wire's are not within my budget, not to mention they're already a 10g wire with a single run. Therefore, I'll be forced to use the jumper that came with my speakers (Energy Veritas 2.3i's) which is basically a flat plate which is gold plated.

So basically I'll have the Goertz into the on set of inputs and then transferred to the other via this connector. You guys think this is going to be a problem, and if so, what do you recommend?
You will probably want to upgrade your jumpers. Goertz probably fix you up with some made with the same wire as the cables. The jumper plates that come with speakers normally add glare and harshness to the sound.
I use the Goertz jumpers on my speakers with the MI-2 Veracity cables. The jumpers are made from the same wire as the cables. These will set you back a whopping $20 if I recall. You may have to trim them to get them to fit as I had to, but t's easy to do and will work a lot better than the brass jumpers that came with your speakers.
I didn't realize they sold the jumpers, but I went ahead a placed an order for these as well. I also didn't reazlie they were made from the same material as the cables.

Also, since you own these cables mind if I ask what connectors you chose? I went with the Rhodium spades on both ends, but don't know if theat was the right choice. Seemd to me the silver would change the sound of the cable? Also considered getting bannana's at the speaker end.

What type of connectors are generally considered the best at the amp and at the speaker terminals?
I went with the solid silver spades. As to which type of connectors are generally better, I really have no idea. I'm sure there are probably several good answers to the question. I just know that what I have on my speakers right now works great for me. That's the only opinion it comes down to in the end.
Got my cables in this week, but just got around to hooking them up today. Also bought the Gore Copper jumpers and they work just fine. Looks like they're actually made from the same material as the cable. First impressions are very good. Don't know if these require much of a break-in so I can only comment how they sound with just a little playing time on them. The bass is fast and tight, but not as extended as my Monster MI4's. Very good dynamics and detail with nice soundstage, but not at all exagerated. The depth of the soundstage is not as deep as the Monsters. The Monsters have a warm open sound, the Gore's are more of a detailed and quick sound similar to some of the Nordost cables I've heard. Just more open and realistic. So far I'm happy. Very different from the Monsters and in my system an improvment.