Alignment Snafu? Or?

Hello all, I am about to order another Protractor, this one an Arc Type from Ken Willis over at the Asylum.

Ken has asked if my arm was at 210mm, or 211mm Spindle-Pivot Distance, and taking an actual measurement this evening, I actually find out my arm is mounted at 212mm. So, may I ask what should he make this Protractor for, 212mm? Or no? Will 1mm make a critical difference in accuracy, and sound? I will forward this info to him as well, and see what he says. More input, and advice is of course better. Thanks, Mark
Thanks . I'm assuming the general principle is to have the stylus track the (in this case 239mm ) arc somewhat irrespective of the exact manufacturers specified distances. This would imply that other arcs are equally acceptable if possible, limited only by the design of the arm/headshell/cartridge.
Part Deux,I went on today to check my mint Denon DP-2550, with Grace DA-307 Arm, S-P distance supposed to be 230mm, and evidently, the previous numb nuts mounted the Arm at 221mm Way off.

The furthest I can mount the Arm is at 228mm, so I have contacted ken, and see if a Protractor at 228mm, with nullpoints at 57.9mm/114.6mm is doable?

Not Baerwald, or Stevenson, but hopefully this will be the ticket to good sound from this very nice Table.
This is my "Quad Baby", set up with new AT-15S, and a NOS in box AT-20SLa on ice.

Just bought a spare AT20SS Stylus from LP Gear for the AT-20SLa, and understand it will fit the AT-15S as well. Ultra "skinny" Beryllium Cantilever! Looks beautiful!

Also grabbed one of those Black Nitrile "Tranquility" Belts for my VPI 19 Table, will put it on tonight, and give a listen with the ZYX Airy 3X. I'll probably be in the police logs tomorrow! Mark

Correct assumption.


Null points at 57.9/114.6 aren't necessary, and probably not optimal unless you have many LPs with very wide lead-in grooves (like 1/2" wide) and music cut right up to the label. Not very likely, so I don't understand why anyone would choose those weirdly positioned null points. They'll result in very high distortion on the first track and higher than necessary distortion in the middle.

If it were me I'd ask him for an arc designed for the Grace mounted at 228 with Baerwald null points.
You know something Doug, you are as sharp as a tack!
Please don't ever leave this group!

It seems Ken Willis also immediately knew this, as today, he cheerfully sent me for free, 4 pdfprintouts via email for Grace Specs at 227mm/228mm, and as well Baerwald Null for 227mm/228mm! Ken has realy been a sweetheart of a man for helping me through all this.

I'm sure glad you guys know something, as I'm so totally in the dark about this crazy geometry for Tonearms!

As soon as I can confirm what works best for the Denon, (as I've already seemed to determine that Baerwald at 212mm S-P for my AQ Arm works well), I will have Ken make me a permanent Arc Protractor for both Arms.

As Ken states, he can make "one" custom specified Arc protractor for up to four different Arm-Table Combinations. Or, make whatever a custom wants as well I presume.

Doug, I thank you again very much for the time you have taken here, and in private, as well as all the other helpful Agon Forumites for participating in this thread.

After I have Ken make my custom Protractor, and it is in hand, I will try to do a review here, and as well, post some pics of Ken's handiwork. Mark