All New NAD Master M33 Integrated Amp // GAME CHANGER ?..

The future looks very bright !
Not connected with this company in any way
Game changer is a relatively meaningless phrase. I deal with "game changers " every month. The Pass XA200.8 Monos are game changers, as are the cables now under review. A DAC I am assessing is a "game changer", too. That Integrated may be excellent as well, but it’s far from the only game in town. Of course that won’t stop the hyperbole., perhaps deserved. :) People simply do not realize how many levels of fundamentally superior sound can be attained. It is practically limitless.
Probably based on the older NCore modules for the amplifier.  Very good, but when you look at the Marantz PM10 with twice the modules, superior build quality and amazing sound, this starts to pale in comparison.  

Google some photos of the inside of the M33 vs the PM10.
The M33 is actually NAD's first venture into Purifi.

Soon to be rendered obsolete in turn by GaN.