All the old issues of Stereo Review are online!!

And available here:

The infamous Clark amplifier test is January, 1987, if anyone wants to re-live that.  I remember reading that when it came out (I was just out of college, but, having worked at an audio shop when I was 14, was already well into the hobby).  That was when I began to be aware of how I might be suckered by appearances.

Lots of things to love or hate, but oh, the advertisements!
^^^ How about those Fisher amp and tuner ads? There’s one for the Fisher 500 receiver. I had a Fisher 500 as part of a bedroom system. Nice, classic vintage sound.

How about a Thorens TD-124 turntable, brand new for the huge sum of $99.75?

The music and record reviews are very interesting too.

Check out the early 1958 issues. Stereo records and cartridges were just coming on the scene. Prior to that, the only way to get stereo was with reel to reel tape. The early magazines make stereo records sound like the second coming. 

Music reviews and ads, okay. Editorial content especially technicals, no way. Stereo Review and Julian Hirsch pushing their wire doesn't matter and if you can't measure it it doesn't exist point of view did real audiophile damage we are still dealing with today.

I had a sub for years. Darn near ruined me. Took me years to realize just how wrong he was. Now with it on-line they get to misinform a whole new generation. Wonderful.