alphacore users break in question

Just upgraded to Alphacore MI2 spk cable. I demoed these before I purchased and they were phenomenol in my system. Is there a huge improvement after break in with these cables? After about 10 hrs the new cables sound horrible. The demo cables were a bi wire pair 15' long and mine are 4 pair 30' long. My dealer assured me that they would sound the same at 30'. I hope they will.

My MI-2 Veracity cables are 10', required little burn in (less than 48 hours) and had the Zobel network already built into them from the factory (I also use the AlphaCore jumpers). They have sounded great from the get go. I hope you're able to figure out what the cause of your poor sound is because these are really great cables.
If they sound that horrible, why waste 100's of hours listening to them? Give them back to the dealer and use something else. He is giving you "the business".

They don't need break in because they are basically unshielded - AC will tell you that. I've had these very cables and what you describe is nothing like my experience. The zobel network will not change the sonics only keep your amp from oscillating. Sounds like a mismatch - maybe you need M3 or M1 can't remember for a higher amp wattage rating...but Steve is right 100 hours will be wasted if your waiting for burn in.
Well, that's a good question that may vary from system to system. When I used these cables with a Classe amp I noticed no difference in sound with the networks in or out, but when they were out the amp shutdown after a while of playing music.