Thanks for all of your input. I kind of suspected, though,that responses from people whose main interest is in listening instead of labels, would have the opinions expressed here.
My question was based in curiosity following the discussion that I referred to in my first post as well as one that I had with my dealer and HiFi advisor several months ago.
I've received very much help with issues that I've posted about in the last several weeks and I'm particularly impressed with how generous with their time and knowledge Audiogon participants are. Mine is a sort of parasitic relationship, though, because I have so little knowledge to give in return.
Anyway, it strikes me that this demonstrated spirit of cooperation and sharing is part of what defines anyone who is dedicated to their area of interest. It's because of this relationship that my knowledge has been enhanced at least to the extent that my familiarity with some of the terms has improved, and I can carry on a somewhat informed conversation with those helping me with some of my issues; it's provided quite a shortcut in my learning curve.
My question was based in curiosity following the discussion that I referred to in my first post as well as one that I had with my dealer and HiFi advisor several months ago.
I've received very much help with issues that I've posted about in the last several weeks and I'm particularly impressed with how generous with their time and knowledge Audiogon participants are. Mine is a sort of parasitic relationship, though, because I have so little knowledge to give in return.
Anyway, it strikes me that this demonstrated spirit of cooperation and sharing is part of what defines anyone who is dedicated to their area of interest. It's because of this relationship that my knowledge has been enhanced at least to the extent that my familiarity with some of the terms has improved, and I can carry on a somewhat informed conversation with those helping me with some of my issues; it's provided quite a shortcut in my learning curve.