Amp+Cords or New Amp, best bang for $$$

If I have ONLY $4k to spend on an amp, should I get a less expensive amp and put the rest to Power Cords or should I spend the whole enchilada on an amp. I currently have a BAT VK-500 with BAT PAK and PS Audio Lab Cables but am very curious about the Levinson 333. This isn't necessarily about my specific choices, but rather the wisdom of spending $1k or more on cables prior to upgrading an amp. I sometimes wonder if it isn't a lot like those hopped-up toyotas. Like many of you, I use Audiogon as my listenening room so I'm looking for some feed-back prior to "using my ears" to decide. FYI- Sonic Frontiers T3/P3, BAT Vk5i, Dynaudio Confidence 5, Kimber KCTG ICs and Cardas Golden Cross Speaker Cables.
I'm in agreement with Dekay as to the pc issue - it is all over the place - try before you buy! You have a very nice system now and I think that better amp would make more of a difference than a lesser amp with an aftermarket pc. IMHO, trading your amp for a $3000 one would accomplish less than spending the full amount on a new amp - hey thats just my opinion...
PS: I will be using The Cable Company (as soon as some new stuff in my system settles in) to audition digital cables. My only other alternative is to buy used and sell which I feel is too much of a bother. They also have many used cables as well at nice discounts to choose from (Hit the used cable link on their website). I was ready to chuck my CAL player until I upgraded the PC. Who knows, you may get off cheap and get the sound that you are looking for.
Metaphysics, I'm curious, what are you trying to achieve with changing your amp and/or power cord? On the surface, you appear to have a very high quality system and I question whether a new amp is really necessary.
Hwy: Acutally, I am quite happy with the BAT/PS Audio PC combination. However, I am interested in hearing the Levinson 333 which can be had for <$4k. That's when I started thinking about the cost for an amp+cords vs. a more costly (and *possibly* better) amp. For example, is it typical that a $6k amp hooked up to two $3k King Cobras sounds better than amplifiers that can be had for $10-15k with their stock cords? I know that it is always tough to generalize, but I'm wondering if many of the benefits of PCs could be had at a similar price point. To be clear, my assumption is that PCs can make huge differences, but I am debating whether they are a band-aid and the money could be better spent on electronics. I will probably end up buying a 333 and then keeping whichever I like more (including the power cords).
Meta-ThaT's a tough one. I would buy the best amp, because you can always- down the road -get some cords but it may be tougher to get a better amp, being stuck with your old one. Yes, IME, I bought a used V.A.C. triode amp (knowing the weakness' of this amp) and just fell in love with the voicing. I have been pleasantly surprised in tweaking its sound with both N.O.S. tubes AND after-market power cords; 1st E.s.P. "ESSENSE", 2ND Shunyata BLK Mamba, 3rd Shunyata Sidewinder and finally Shunyata Viper v2. The E.s.P. & Sidewinder I still own the BLK Mamba was upgraded to the V2. So, in the short-term I think you could possibly get a better sound with a nice amp AND a nice PC, over a real nice amp with a stock cord, but that route in the long-term may be more limiting. This is highly speculative, in terms that it is extremely dependant on the choice of equipment, what its hooked up to and listener bias. Make sense? Mike