Amp experience

I have no dout that more power is better. But for low volume listening when the power output is UNDER 1 W how much difference can you tell between a 200 W SS to a same brand 300-450W SS Amps? I just like to hear from people who actually owned both amps please. Not by “ obviously” or guessing please.
kosst_amojan - I know how logs work, what I don't know is whether ktz03110 does.   Consider this, the 10*log(10) of 20 is 13 dB, 10*log(10) of 200 is 23 dB.   That an increase of 10:1 in power. 

Another way to look at it is if music is running 20W at one point in time and the next point in time music demands 200W, that is still a 10:1 change in power that the amplifier has to produce. I purposely used those numbers so I could say a 10:1 power change.  I never said a 180 Watts is 10dB. 

If I had a sound system that only used 1W typical, I wouldn't be looking at a 200W amp, as I mentioned above, as well as the reasons you stated.

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I bought an OHM 5000 in 2012 and had a Bryston 4bsst 300 watt. The sound was less dynamic than I was accustomed to hearing. I went up to a 14bsst 600 watt and it was like taking a v6 out of a Cadillac and putting a v12 in. Varoom!. Dynamic slam, headroom and bass impact came back and beyond. The speaker came alive.