Amp for LS50

I recentl got a pair of LS50’s and will eventually be getting a nice amp and preamp for them.  I’m curious as to what amps pair best with the power hungry Kef LS50’s.  I’m wondering if ClassD audio Sds470c would be a good choice being that its 300watts at 8 and 600 at 4 ohms.  

Im open to all suggestions.  I’d like to keep the budget for the amp at or below $1000 and maybe $500 for a preamp...

Perhaps a used Nova 300?

I am using the Peachtree Nova 150 at the moment. It is very good and fatigue free. I could get better amplification but I do not think it is warranted with the LS50. I will be buying a new set of speaker soon, KEF Reference 1 or Magico A3 and for that better amplification makes more sense to me.

I am also going to upgrade my Nova 150 to the Nova 500 in Spring 2019. The Nova 500 has a different preamp section than the 150 and 300. I will likely drive the LS50 with the Nova 500. Overkill for sure but the price of entry is rather low.
I have the Class D CDA 250 and like it a lot.  I have owned it for about a year.  I can listen for hours, as it is not a fatiguing listen at all.  

Admittedly, I do not know which type of modules it uses (ice power, etc), which seems to be important to know in any discussion about D type amplifiers, in general. 

I am not sure how the Class D audio will pair with the KEF LS 50s though.

I am finding that the CDA 250 sounds better with some of my speakers than with others.  The other amp in rotation is the tube Prima Luna Prologue 5, which I have had for 13 years now.

I am finding that the CDA 250 sounds better with the traditional 2 driver speakers I own (Opera, Wharfedale), whereas the Prima Luna sounds better with the single driver systems that I like (Omega).

Your KEFs will respond well to a LOT of power. I have R500s in my second system powered by a Mivera amp with an IcePower AS1200 module and 700 watts/8 ohms per channel works very well. One of the amps from Apollon or Nord using IcePower or Hypex amps would be a good alternative if you wish to go class D at the budget you mention. As the LS50s are quite revealing, any increases in preamp quality and transparency you can afford will be rewarded. 
Awesome!  Thank You Everyone who replied!  All the suggestions are options I would definately consider.

  I didn’t know that the Rotel and Musical Fidelity had such good reviews.  I wasn’t up to date with those!  Thanks.

Good to hear about the Peachtree stuff.  I liked my Nova Pre/220 and 220se that I had.  I took my LS50’s to my brothers house and hooked them up to his Nova Pre / 220 and wasn’t impressed to be honest.  I couldn’t believe that I could turn it up to 1 o’clock on the volume dial. Made me realize that these Kefs are power hungry, yet I have them hooked to a little 50 watt amp and they sound pretty good so I’m not sure that something like the Rotel or Musical Fidelity wouldn’t sound fantastic...

I’m leaning towards something like that Class D or Mivera amp (Thanks for turning me on to Mivera; I will be reasearching them!).  I figure if I can get some kind of crazy power and then pair it to a sweeter sounding preamp, that would be the hot ticket.  

The Kefs are sounding great though the more they break in.  Interesting as almost all of my previous speakers were pre owned so I never realized how much a speaker can change in the first 15-20 hours.  I wonder how much of it was me adjusting to thier sound.

@b_limo It sounds like your brother's Peachtree is not the new stuff made in Canada. They basically restarted the company with N. American manufacturing and new designer. They ditched the tubes for lower noise floor.

The NOVA line and LS50 are a very good match. I had a Benchmark DAC3 + AHB2 hooked up to the LS50 and it was a bit better than the NOVA 150 but it also cost more than 2x the price of the NOVA 150. I sold the Benchmarks and kept the NOVA and LS50. 

Peachtree give you a 30 day trial so, if you are inclined, do a little bit more research on this combo. You really don't have much to lose. The new NOVA 500 has a new DAC and newer preamp section.

Here is my next Peachtree upgrade.