Amp for Nautilus 801

Any nautilus owner out there help me selecting an amp for my Nautilus 801!
The options I ve got are:
Mark Levinson No. 333
Krell MDA 300
Conrad Johnson Premier 12
Bryston 7B.
My music preference is Jazz and classical,occassionally pop.For pre amp I am using Casablanca II.Any suggestion will be of great help.

Showing 8 responses by alphorn

Hi guys
I fully agree with Ldk concerning Classé CAM-400 Monos. I can also imagine to use 2 2200's (bridged) or 1 2200 on heights/mids in combination with a digital high power amp driving the bass. In the second case you will need a dB-regulation (in-built or external).

Has someone tried to drive the 801's bass separately? any experiences?

Hi Ali

I own a Nautilus 801 myself and use a ML 23.5 amp (2*200W). Although the 801 would gain dynamic with more power (especially the bass) I don't feel uncomfortable in my relatively small room (4m*6m). Heights and mids are highly musical and the bass is not really a problem since I put the speaker on spikes (what I strongly recommend!!).

My B&W dealer recommends the 2*200W Classé Audio 2200 with the 802D and the 800D. Of course you don't get the last whamm with these, but it's all a question of taste.

I have a good feeling for the 2*300W ML 333. Try it!


So I have a good feeling for the 300W ML 333. Try that.
Hi Ali

As we don't get Bryston in Switzerland I can't say much about it. All I know is what I read about the 14 B in a stereophile test you may know. I guess the Bryston won't match the 333's musicality but produce a more dynamic / brute sound.

I have lived with my 801 for 6 years and I'm still completely happy. The rest of the system is older (ML 38 pre, ML 37 drive, EAD 7000/III D/A, ML gel interconnects and apature speaker cable).

I intend to change my CD unit and buy the brandnew Classé 202 CD-player which plays in the same league as the ML 390S. I can't recommend ML CD devices. Most of them show klicking noises from time to time (so does my 37 also) and besides of that the company (Harman) doesn't offer sufficient service when garantuee is over (no replacement parts on stock). Try also the expensive Accuphase CD-players or -if money is not of importance- Esoteric Teac or DCS.

For preamp I strongly recommend any ML device (26, 28, 38, 380, new 320 or 326). You will hardly find something better.

Concerning cables I don't think there is a "best" cable. There is just the right cable (doesn't need to be expensive). Try out and try not to loose nerves! My dealer is very much on Kimber. I can recommend it also.

Have fun with 801!!
High Ali

If you can buy a ML 333 - what else do you want more. It's a wonderful amp. You should take it (that's about the only point I agree with Raquel).

Hi Ali
I do not know the products you name exactly.
But: Theta sounds good to me and I've heard very nice D/A converters of this brand.
I don't see Sony as a high end brand really. On the other hand I tested an old 555 once as a drive and the result was quite good.
The Sony could be the better drive than your Denon but I would nevertheless recommend to look for something else.

Hi Ali
Don't know the 7/9 but I've heard excellent Wadia devices.
Try that!! (should be much better than 777).
ANDI may also end up with the Wadia drive and your Theta DAC. In the system you own now the drive is really not to be underestimated (more influence than the DAC in my opinion).