Amp for Quad ESL 57

I recently bought a pair of Quad ESL 57, Wayne Piquet modified. They are simply amazing. I am currently using my McIntosh MA2275, and it does a good job overall. However, I wonder whether the new Quad II-Forty might a better choice. Any idea?
Strongly suggest checking web for ESE Lab which is the best I ever heard. Among other is designed and matched with quad ESL 57.

Best regards.
Great thread. I am currently looking to purchase a pair of ESL's (57). I have a pair of McIntosh MC30's and was wondering what everyone thought about using the 30's to drive the ESL's. I'm thinking the midrange magic of the 30's would be a great match for the ESL's?

Thanks in advance for any comments.

Should work well. I use to use a Dynaco Stereo 35 in the 60s on them and the Mac should do at least as well, power makes little difference as they don't use much but big amps can also sound very good if used carefully. The 8B in triode mode was suppose to work very well but I never had them at the same time.
I had stacked 57's and drove them with the 30 watt Atmasphere,and the MP3 pre amp.
Great sound, I regret moving on, should have had the speakers upgraded.

I also used a 1961 Bell tubed(6V6)15 watt integrated that was very close to the Atmasphere's,hence the reason for moving on.

Were the speakers not revealing enough of the difference between the cheap Bell and the Atmasphere?
Either way, both amps were magic on the stacked Quads, however flawed they were.

Find yourself a nice tube power amp and enjoy.