Amp for Talon Raven C

i am looking for an amp that matches the talon raven c well.
i am open to pre/power amp combinations or integrated and would prefer to have tubes in the pre section.
prize range is 4000$ used but less would be better.
i read good things about

Belles 150 A ref
Simaudio Moon W5
Electrocompaniet MOnos 220 W

preamps i had on my shortlist:

Dehavilland ultraverve
Cary slp 98 or 2002
conrad johnson?

any shared experiences with these or others would be very welcome.
cable recommendations are also appreciated.for now i use analysis plus .
I have friend who is using Parasound Halo JC1 mono's with his TALON RAVEN C'S.
he was using TENOR AUDIO 75 watt monos at 3 times the cost and swears buy these.
The system sounds awesome.
I believe you can do a search here and find some used Parasound Halo JC1 in your price range.
good luck.
If don't want the heat the Parasound's generate, definitely go with the Sim Audio W5. I was using the W-10's with the Firebirds and it sounded very,very good.
I use mine with a Tact 2150.
It's the best amp i found so far, tried some Classé, a GamuT D200 but the Tact is way better.