Amp help with a B.E.L. 1001 Mk.II

I purchased a B.E.L.1001 Mk.II (Brown Electronic Labs)along with a marantz 67SE cd player for $8.50 from my local thrift shop. Being that the cd player has volume output control I was able to connect it directly to the amp, with the amp connected to a pair of chrisman speakers. The amp an cd player sounded awesome and worked with no issues. I have never heard of or seen a B.E.L. amp. So any info on it would be great. I'm guessing the correct way to hook up the amp is with a pre-amp. What would be a nice pre-amp to go with the B.E.L. amp?
This past week I found two preamps and wondered what you all thought about them and what one would be nice to use with the bel amp. The preamps are an adcom gtp-450 or a soundstream c-1. I know the adcom has a tuner and soundstream does not. Thats ok cause I have a marantz st7001 tuner I can use with the soundstream.
I am 100% certain that ANY decent analog preamp will improve your system's sound quality, even an inexpensive passive one, because your CD player's volume control is digital, it throws bits (therefore resolution) away as you lower the volume.
Buy a Jadis JPL préamplifier if You Can.I have two Bels and a Jadis JPL
Best regards