Amp Options/Questions for Revel Studio v1


Looking for ideas for amping Revel Studio version one speakers. I currently have Pass Aleph2 and Aleph P.

I would like to keep the Aleph2 to use for bottom end power.
Was thinking about VTL MB-125's for top end.
Is this a good match?

Or should I sell/trade in the Aleph2's and save for MB-185 or 450?

Looking for best match either SS or tube for studios.
My budget is right at 4k.
I thought of VTL because of their power to drive a speaker like Studio (MB185/450) but am open to other suggestions.

I will be keeping the Aleph pre amp no matter what. Really need some help here.
I do like the sound of the Aleph2's I think very respectable for what I've heard is a 160
watt amp powering the Studio's. I play mostly jazz and jazz fusion. Chick Corea, Stanely Clarke.
Also Rock like Grand Funk, Dobbies Alman Brothers Led Zep. I like to have wide deep sound stage and be able to point to insturments.

My budget is about 3k. I know I am asking a lot but I can live with used equipment, in very good condition. My Aleph equipment was used. But it was well taken care of.
The Lamm is out of my range for now. I guess a good question would be to ask what would you do in my position? Bearing in mind I want to keep the Aleph pre.
I must ask again-are there provisions for gain matching.I ask this because if the input sensitivity is different,then the levels between the two different amps won't match.
Aleph 0s?Jadis Defy 7 mk II+,Quicksilver Silver 90 or a little extra warmth CJ 11a/LP70.If 70W will do,the PL 7s,with a roll on the 12ax/au7s.
If I think of others,I will notate them-but first:the level matching.
My freind has the Salons V1, he drives them with Krell evo 600 monoblocks they sound great. Those Revel's need alot of power to open up. I would suggest at least 300w/c amp with alot of current.
Parasound JC1 mono's
Cary MB 500 mono's
McCormack Dna 500
Mark Levinson 336 or 436
Krell Evo

The Aleph pre-amp has two knobs that are labeled "Gain"
for left and right chanells. Which amps would I control top or bottom?


Thank you for your input. I have heard the Studios
and Salons driven by ML436. Very natural sound, but have not heard in my listening environment.
What about Macintosh MC352?