Amp or Integrated amp for Quad ESL-63's?

I need to replace an aging,buzzing amplifier for my Quad ESL-63's. I would like to keep it at about $1000 and was thinking possibly an integrated would be good (as my preamp is the same age as my amp). Is there anyone with any ideas for something that would match well with my electrostatics? It would be a plus to have a phono section as my current preamp has one and I occasionally listen to vinyl.
I had ELS-63s in the 90s (still miss them!) and really felt that they liked tubes a lot (a Beard P35 35W push-pull sounded better than the much more expensive SS amps I tried at the time).

They may be slightly over your budget new (1100-1200 I think), but look at the Prima Luna integrated amps. They don't come with phono, but you can get an external unit cheaply if you find that it bothers you.
one word of advise ,if you have the extra cash seperates
are better ,you can fit bigger porwe supply , capacitance
and usually a more aggressive circuit.why do you think flag ship models are all seperates.if you have a tight budget you are better off waiting ,or buying quality used gear that match.
If your room is not too big, the Cayin A50 for 1300 new runs Quad USA 63's very well for the price. I am using in a den and it is a very good affordable combination. Clean looks and useable remote are bonuses above and beyond the sound/price level.
1st - How large is your listening area?
2nd - What type of music do you like?
3rd - How loud does it need to play?
I currently have a pair of ESL 63 being driven by MFA tube gear. My experience is that the Quads are ruthlessly revealing of upstream electronics. I would suggest a MFA Magus or Counterpoint SA 3.1 or 5.1 and an upgraded Dynaco ST 70 if you don't have a large room or need them to play very loud. This should be in your budgetary range.
My $0.02