Amp recommendations for Merlin VSM / TSM

I welcome all Merlin owner's feedback on the amps used with their VSM/TSM's. Do you prefer RCA or balanced, tube or solid state. Thanks for any thoughts.
Hi Yag, I am a Merlin VSM-M + BAM owner. I currently use Joule Electra 160 monoblocks. The other amps I have tried with Merlins were B&K Rererence 4420. The B&K 's have now been used in a home theater setup. The comparison was like night and day. The Joule Electra are a tweeker delight. If you want a new or different sound than change the drive tubes, mess with the bias or even change the level of feedback. I have not found any limits yet on what can be done or how it sounds. I agree ; the Merlins take on the sound of the amps. As for balanced or unbalance RCA connections I use both. For long runs greater than 2 meters I used balanced connectors. For digital I would definitely used balanced to reduce the common noise. For analog I do prefer the RCA connection with the Merlin- Joule combination. Just saw a pair of Joule 160 monoblocks up for sale on Audiogon at market value or better. I have had the pleasure of dealing with Jud Barber and Bobby from Merlin. While they seem so opposite in person to what I expected they are both really gifted, and prove once again that opposites do attract. Hope this helps
I seem to agree with everyones advice so far. I use the BAMM, without the Rc networks. Mine is an analog based system, so I prefer the tube and single ended approach, SET if you will. But with a twist.

I really enjoy the Blue Circle/Merlin combo. I am using what essentailly is a BC 2.1 with results I am very happy with. I love the musical, life like size and presence that BC amps have with Merlin speakers. These are hybrid (tube driver, Bipolar outputs) amps, that can also be tuned by the driver tube selection. If you want to go balanced - check out Blue Cirlce's new Ag series; or like myself, check out the older BC6 or BC 2 amps. Use a dynamic pre to drive them like a Emotive Audio, First Sound, CAT or Audible Illusions, and they really come "alive". Spooky.
I guess I have beaten tubegroover and a few other to the punch here (maybe) by mentioning the David Berning 270. I was using a Mesa Baron, which is a good amp, but no comparison to the Berning (which is, arguably, an OTL, although there is much debate about that). Many practical advantages over the Joules--size, heat, etc. Replace the tubes with NOS and the sould improves dramatically. Several long threads on the Berning went on here about 2-3 months ago, comparing it to other OTL's--Atma-sphere, Tenor, etc. Do a search, or go over to the Asylum, there's a little discussion of the Berning there now in the General forum. You also don't need a preamp with the Berning; it has a built in volume control, two inputs, et.
Since I have a single-ended battery bam, never had a chance to compare to balanced.
Dear Yag, I just remembered when I visited the old schoolhouse were Merlin speakers are built, the amps that were being used were "Puchini" . You will have to ask Bobby the exact type. These amps sounded fabulous with the Merlin's as well. I think it may have been an integrated type. Good Listening, Happy Dad's Day to All
I believe Audio Analogue is the company that makes the "Puccini" integrated amplifier. I seem to recall others stating the the Pathos Twin Towers integrated tube amplifier also works very well with these speakers.

I use a Joule-Electra LA-100 mk. 3 preamplifier and Joule-Electra Stargate monoblocks with my Merlin VSM-SE bBAM speakers. When I spoke with Marianne Barber about the Stargates, she said that the sound of the Stargates were very close (actually, too close, in her opinion) to that of their much more expensive OTL designs, lacking primarily as much high frequency air as the OTLs. These amps are "only" 30 wpc SET, but sound very powerful (my prior amp was an Audio Research VT-100 mk. 2, which could player louder than the Stargates, but which didn't sound as controlled and powerful as the Stargates at reasonable listening levels).

When combined with a Meridian 508.24 CD player, I feel this is truly a music lover's system at a moderate price (especially used).

Merlin seems to match their VSM-M ("S" harness) with Sim Audio solid state electronics at shows. I would talk directly with Bobby at Merlin; he obviously knows his speakers very well.