Amp's that are better sounding than a nad 3020

Hi, I'm sourcing for an integrated amp that doesn't needs to have much power, the budget is 300$ what do I choose?



have two sets of bookshelf speakers 

one is 4 ohms 90 dBSL AND OTHER 

6 ohms at 87dBSPL for a 2,83v input at one meter

what amp rating in watts do I need for my 

12’x14’x8’ room?


I’ve tried several integrated amps for the above speakers

Peachtree 150

Arcam  sa10

Rotel A14



May I suggest you look for a second-hand Sansui.  Sometimes they come up at close to your budget.  Some Sansuis are excellent and none of them are bad.  They are gutsy and can usually drive low impedance speakers very well due to their generous power supply design.

No idea what your amp sounds like but I am relegated to older stuff due to my budget. I recent scored a Denon PMA520 and tuner for about $150. One of the most pleasant surprises in a long time. Fairly detailed for its age (1990 or so) and sounds great with KEF Q150, Pioneer FS52, or QAcoustics 3020i. This is the amp that put the Sansuis and Luxmans back in the closet and started me down a spending spree of old Denon integrateds. 

I doubt you are going to find anything that sounds better than the NAD for 300.00. Save your pennies, then move up...