Amp's that are better sounding than a nad 3020

Hi, I'm sourcing for an integrated amp that doesn't needs to have much power, the budget is 300$ what do I choose?


I'm not sure which 3020 we are talking about anymore, but the small D3020 or 3020D (forgot which) is pretty nice sounding, small and lots of connections.

right. What Eric asked.  Are you talking a 40 year old product?  It was great, at the time.  I still have one squirreled away somewhere in fact. I suspect there are many better, but most are not $300, more like $1000+

Take a look at the Yamaha A-S301 and the Cambridge Audio AXA25.  Not a lot of choices at your target budget.

Each amp has it’s " qualities ", attracting various listeners. What speakers are you listening through ? What is / are your sources ? What music do you listen to / enjoy ? How loud do / would you listen ? Do you listen at a distance, or nearfield ? BTW, I am assuming you are talking about the original 3020, or the later 3020a. Have you ever heard a completely rebuilt and upgraded 3020 ?, as the circuits were brilliant for that time.


have two sets of bookshelf speakers 

one is 4 ohms 90 dBSL AND OTHER 

6 ohms at 87dBSPL for a 2,83v input at one meter

what amp rating in watts do I need for my 

12’x14’x8’ room?


I’ve tried several integrated amps for the above speakers

Peachtree 150

Arcam  sa10

Rotel A14



May I suggest you look for a second-hand Sansui.  Sometimes they come up at close to your budget.  Some Sansuis are excellent and none of them are bad.  They are gutsy and can usually drive low impedance speakers very well due to their generous power supply design.

No idea what your amp sounds like but I am relegated to older stuff due to my budget. I recent scored a Denon PMA520 and tuner for about $150. One of the most pleasant surprises in a long time. Fairly detailed for its age (1990 or so) and sounds great with KEF Q150, Pioneer FS52, or QAcoustics 3020i. This is the amp that put the Sansuis and Luxmans back in the closet and started me down a spending spree of old Denon integrateds. 

I doubt you are going to find anything that sounds better than the NAD for 300.00. Save your pennies, then move up...




I think the more significant question would revolve around the age and condition of the parts in ANY 40-50 year old audio amp. If any integrated amps (including the NAD) have been serviced by a reputable repair shop then one can do a comparison. If I were looking at what I could buy for $300 and many older amps were found, I must include another $300 for service and parts at a minimum. If I didn’t take into consideration parts condition, parts availability, quality service.... that would be foolish. I think an amp for $300 is really an amp for $600-$800, or you will have failure problems very soon for buying an old integrated amp for $300.

Check out Cheapaudioman on You Tube. He focuses on lower priced but still great sounding equipment, and has reviewed a number of amps in your price range. 

Wait until you can afford a decent amplifier.  Never heard an amp could cost only $300.  

I must be of my amps cost more that 3k...and that's considered budget in some minds...all relative I guess. Not much out there for 300 bucks, except a used something or other, and being old, potentially a headache. 

You would be amazed what $300.00 can buy. TheYamaha R-N303 has a formidable feature set and a very decent amplifier and if you can find one it sells for $329.99. Then there’s always the yard sale treasure possibility. 

Find a reasonable Exposure integrated amp. Save and spend a little more. You won't regret it.

As like @ozzy62 said:

I doubt you are going to find anything that sounds better than the NAD for 300.00. Save your pennies, then move up...

Unless there is a problem you’re trying to address, then what is the point of “moving up”?

I would think a sub woofer, or a source, or some room treatment or a slab of beer would likely bring more joy… than moving from a good $300 amp you own, to another good $300 amp you need to find.

What it is not doing that you more of?

These are always hard decision, but knowing the goals and requirements is always time well spent to get clearly into the thought process. (IMO)

Buy used! E-bay and Craigslist can offer a lot of bargains in that price range.  

Unless your amp is out of spec or you need more watts, I think you have the best that $300 can offer.

@seanheis1 agree.

Unless your amp is out of spec or you need more watts, I think you have the best that $300 can offer

It is even better than that as the $300 amp is already extant at his home, and is paid for. So it is $0, and no shipping.


Workmate’s son… ~19 or 20, is mad into stereos.

He was bitching that his 20-30 year old secondhand integrated amp died.
I told him get a used NAD 3020. They we great in the mid to late 80s and if it works, it is a total workhorse.


for sure. also adjusted for inflation, $135 in 1978 is equal to $606 in 2022. 

The Rega IO is probably the equivalent modern amp, which is $725

My old HK6200 integrated sounded pretty good. If you know someone who can fix the left channel (it drops pretty much every second, that is, one second you have sound, the next you don't, then again, then not, etc. etc., etc.), you can have mine for shipping and a few bucks. I've seen some for sale on eBay as well from time to time, perhaps even in working order.

I replaced my NAD 7250 PE with a Rotel Rx 1052 and thought it was a big improvement. It was $200 plus shipping used.

Yamaha A-S301, the Cambridge Audio AXA25 or used. My choice would be the Yamaha. It's as close to $300 as you will get. and has an unbeatable feature set.