Amp Stands - Wood or Stone

I'm in the process of relocating my audio equipment to a side wall and need to place my amps, AGD Audions, on something.  Floor is carpeted.  Stands will be very small and won't be supporting much weight.  I have access to granite, marble, etc. (next to nothing scape from remodel jobs).  Also, have pretty good relationship with a serious wood worker who is happy to cut maple, oak, cherry, most any hardwood, etc.  Cost is not really an issue just looking for an opinion / logic around which material I should use.  At this point, I'm thinking 1 1/2 to 2 inch thick walnut on some kind of cone / spike legs. Sorry for maybe a dumb question!


There are multiple effective combinations. I would use a combination of materials like wood stands with elastomer pucks and topped with stone or even better Black Diamond Racing composite platform. One of the issues with AGD is the light weight. It would be nice to be able to weight the components down as well to couple them to the platform.


I recently installed a seismograph in my house. Although I live in a quiet neighborhood, one aspect of vibration is that it vastly increases during the day with traffic and human activity. So you want mass, but decoupling (hence the elastomer pucks) from the earth.


@kidbuck Thank you for your guarantee… what are the terms?  

A big +1 to phishhhhh4

The platforms are a destination product you can spend years and $$$ and not be happy trying wood, Granite ,Carbon Fiber, air bladders, constrained layer dampening etc... Like I did.

You will be done the first time with Live Vibe products, give them a call and go from there.


@ghdprentice ghdprentice

I should've used the word BET.

I bet you $1000. US that you would fail a blind test listening for the difference between wood and stone amp stands.


And when you handle a Life vibe product you will get the sense it's a serious piece of craftsmanship

Robert is great to deal with

@czarivey Horrible for audio. The cheap Ikea boards are not solid.  

 bamboo cutting board works great as stand. You can get it in Ikea for $20. It will look nearly as if it would be MapleShade brand.