Amplifer Wattage Question

I was just woundering if there is a way to measure the wattage during a normal listning session that your amp. is putting out. I know that a 250 watt amp. is not at full output at normal listning levels, or low volumes ?
How can you determine output at different volume levels?

I am just curious.


Showing 2 responses by magfan

How about electrically?
Use a DVM and if speaker impedance is known at frequency, use test tones measure the voltage and using ohms law and the impedance, calculate the actual wattage?
Will this work? It actually doesn't sound like THAT much trouble, if you really care enough to know.

Will this work?
Let's say you kept away from 'max power'.
could you at least get a number that made sense using the technique I describe?

Also, My ICE amps (max) power spec is time limited. I suspect you'll fry the Zoebel network at that output.

Agreed, however. Even if you could do it, why bother? Properly matched stuff and even a minimal ear should provide ample warning of impending doom.

Also, now that i re-read, the OP specified 'normal listening session'..... I haven't listened to sine waves since the 60s.....
Can you figure out power output during regular music sessions? How much bench equipment would it take..... Scope? Multiple DVMs?