amplifier from Canada

Does anyone know when the tariffs will begin to affect the prices? Until the US inventory lasts? I was about to pull the trigger on a Canadian made amp, but it may be too late.


I will confess, I started this thread to stir the pot. (Even if I didn't, I will be blamed anyway)

Aside from that, I am freaking out. I saved my money, keeping it secret from wife, pretty much 10-20 bucks a week, buying and selling junk. Now it seriously won't be enough for the amp I finally decided to buy.

I just bought some replacement grills for a pair of long discontinued PSB speakers. Great service from Lenbrook. Hate seeing our greatest ally treated like this.

Liberal whiner's…ban me from the site but this had to be said.  I get to send the Democratic feds 180k+ in taxes every year and watch them waste it away for stupid crap, schools are struggling, roads need work, prices are high before the tariffs!  We have plenty of things that need to done for this country!!! Get off your Trump derangement crap, get some help and talk BS politics on a political site and leave audio discussion about audio… 

@cfarrow ,

Lawdy, I have seen the light!!

Thank you so much for your counterpoint to our abysmal ignorance as to the reality of our situation. The way the democrats wasted all our hard earned tax money on life saving food and medicine for the poor, ensuring we have fresh air and water through those ridiculous environmental laws, helping a fellow democracy defend itself against a murderous dictator instead of halting assistance, not implementing idiotic tariffs that are going to raise prices even more...etc. etc. Just terrible!

I’ll be more blunt than you: get your head out of your 🍑 and take a look around.