Amplifier recommendation

I have acquire a Acurus A150 amplifier a few month ago that powered a few speakers. They are my DIY Dayton speakers( was my first speakers for a while), Paradigm Mini Monitor v3 and now the new acquire Triangle BR03. The Triangle sound amazing with the A150 but I want to try another amp with similar specs. The two I was interested is the Bryston 3B SST or the Coda Model 11. The preamp is a Rotel RC995 which has balanced output to as well as RCA.

Ag insider logo xs@2xhighend64

I am going to throw in 4 to the mix. All different:

1. Gato Audio. To get to the budget you have look at their DIA 250. Used. This is class D. I have their AMP150 - Class AB. From Denmark.

2. Hegel. Again for your budget I would say H390. I think from Norway.

3. Vincent Audio. From Germany. I have SV200. It is their smallest integrated- hybrid. You could look at some of their other models. They are affordable even new.

4. Akitika. This one is a curve ball. Made in the US. Usually a DIY amp but also available fully fully assembled. I acquired one recently - assembled- with volume control. It works like a dream. Very very affordable- around $600. You would be surprised.



Audio Alchemy and Elac Alchemy - both designed by audio guru Peter Madnick with extensive experience working for other brands including the Constellation Audio cost-no-object project with other noted gifted designers.

Cabasse Abyss here earned TAS’s 2024 Golden Ear Award in September 2024 issue#352

The Acurus amplifiers used a small, cheep, 10uF aluminum electrolytic capacitor as the input signal coupling capacitor.  If you are handy with a soldering iron you can replace this 3 cent AL part with a polypropylene or polycarbonate capacitor of similar value.  To keep the new capacitor small you could use a 5 uF, 50 Volt poly part..  The poly part will be 20 or more times larger than the AL part, so i may need to have the leads insulated as not to touch other parts.  I think you will be very surprised at the improvement you will hear with this simple modification.



a step up from the Acurus line is Aragon. Both were made by Mondial back in their original days.I had a wonderful Aragon 4004 (with 24K Pre-amp that I still own). I bought it new for ~$1,800 in early 1990's. Lot's of dual power supplies and bass slam, with a smooth mid. I sold it around 2000 for a used Krell 200-S (which originally sold for $7,500). It took that big of leap to beat the Aragon. I see their newer models for sale (8008 MK. II, I think) for about $1,500 on the used market.


I agree with kennyc, I would go with AVA or Odyssey. They could be bought new at your budget.