Amps with meters ...

are just a lot better than amps without meters.

Or consider amps with incomprehensible meters.
The Marantz SM-11S1 has an enigmatic porthole, front and center in the faceplate that contains a digital numerical read-out that constantly varies in values and, for the life of me, I can never fathom what it is that Marantz expects people to get out of this tech for tech's sake.  Useful information is the last thing it provides.
OTOH, I totally love all other aspects of this amp, especially the sound quality and bullet-proofness of build & operation.  
Gregj, perhaps your letter wasn't threatening enough.

Anodyne, you need to enjoy the incomprehensible and enigmatic, not question it. Mr Squires certainly doesn't and look at how many of us have responded to his thread.

It doesn't matter either way. I think amps with meters look no different than a receiver. Just lights. If you find that distracting to your listening experience, then you have other problems! 
I like meters.
i had a mac2105 and c28, TD 125 with a Rabco tone arm AND a SAE Mark VI tuner Nixie tubes and ocilloscope......they all LOOKED GREAT to me and anyone coming over to listen and didn’t like the presentation could just as easily close their eyes.
Just my opinion.....thx for the post