Amy Winehouse.RIP

Passed away today in London.
Such a talent with sadly many demons.
Tough Crowd indeed.

To all those that think Amy was of little talent, or talentless, please view the attached clip of one Mr Tony Bennett, I am guessing and there is a strong suspicion that he may know a good singer when he performs with one, or is he talentless too?
+infinity Abuck!

I like this forum as it's a change of pace from the other bickering forums I am a member of. At one time this type of activity was here but limited. I don't understand why you people are "beating a dead horse", no disrespect to AW intended. Make your point and move on. Do some of you actually think you are going to change another's opinion about something by going on & on & on?
I know very little about the lady other than her reputation.

However talented or not, stories like these are always sad and not something to take any pleasure in. Maybe something to learn from at best?
Muncy we could say the same about your side, do you really think your going to change our minds? This whole thread is a dead horse.
Thanks Gawd. Although beauty is in the (ear) of the beholder, it should be acknowledged that inside the music industry, her talent was greatly respected.
Even if no minds are changed and the horse is still dead.