An Audiophile is Anyone Who Loves Audio Regardless of Monetary Status. Agree?

One group should not be allowed to monopolize the term above another as their own status symbol. you i and anyone else who likes audio can be considered an audiophile regardless of the size of your bank account. 

Showing 16 responses by audition__audio

Yup! This is more about perceived conspicuous consumption than anything else. And to think I wasted all this money on my system for all the wrong reasons. I feel ashamed.
Yes but if you spend this additional money intelligently you will most likely get much greater and more refined sound. 
Brett & vinny,

I think that we you are alluding to is the fact that there is an acceptable level of "indulgence" when buying luxury items and that exceeding this level (set by you apparently) is reckless and morally irresponsible. 
There is nothing wrong with differentiating between novice and experienced audio enthusiasts. What doug wrote about the value of experience and exposure is spot on. People that dont know what they dont know are very hard to reach. These type of posts always get to a point where those with knowledge and balance stop casting pearls before swine and call it a day. 

There is definitely some wealth shaming and I think this was the basis of the original post. Not such a far stretch to believe, overall, that more expensive equipment will outperform cheaper. Just dont speak on this issue unless you have had experience with both. And please stop guessing the motivation of buyers who spend a "shameful" amount on audio equipment.

As fordboy points about above, distinctions are good things. Being uncomfortable and offended are usually positive experiences provided you have the right to make your case if you disagree. This country is completely losing  the ability to discern between what is a right and what is a privilege. Numerous times on this forum posters have asked others to not use certain words and to avoid certain discussions as these were offensive. Not a kindler world but a world of sameness and intellectual death.

Couldnt agree more. But it would seem that as it relates to audio, years of devotion, expense and listening mean nothing. As there should be no winner or losers there should also be no experts or novices. I simply dont understand this type of mentality and you are exactly right when you say this is a dangerous trend.
Well brett most of what you have said are just ridiculous generalizations. 

People that are able to make sound critical and practical decisions at a high level often are the same people that you shame with your comments about the wealthy.

Please tell me how we level the playing field. Since you post like someone who isnt wealthy, I am sure that you wont be contributing at a high level. 
Problem is what is the definition of "high-fidelity" sound?

I know my definition has changed dramatically since I started this hobby 42 years ago.

The other assertion that isnt a given is that the wealthy are less scrupulous with their dollars than the poor or middle class.

Most of the wealthy that I know dont have time to listen to their systems because they are working. But, perhaps unlike vinny and brett, I actually have some wealthy friends.
I dont think that the point of the original post was really about audiophiles. I think it was about class distinction and exclusivity. Born out of bad taste in vinny's mouth about who knows what. 
You forgot to pull "racist" from your PC lexicon.

"I love the poor they taste just like chicken"


Well unless you tell me what this work is I cant judge and you will not get any props. Pretty tall order making the world a better place, I find it strange that you would feel the need to share that with us. I usually find those that make the greatest impact tend to not share this with others. Hubris is a pretty nasty thing. 
As glupson said my comments werent an attack. Perhaps it is a West Coast thing, as opposed to the Midwest where we tend to let others tell us if we are making the world a better place. I am glad you are proud of what you do and happy in your work. A good thing.