An honest opinion about upgrading?

I'd like to get better definition and clarity out of my music which is mostly jazz, chill, new age, vocals and some classical. Do i need new speakers, would mono blocks with more power give me a better sound, how about a great integrated amp.
My speakers are the Paradigm S-8's, the power amp is the Rouge Audio 90, the pre amp is the Rouge Audio Magnum 99. I have the Ayon CD-1, Music Hall 9.1 with Black cartridge. My cables are all in the 200-400 price range. What should i do?... i'd like to hear a better sound for a reasonable amount of money. I think about the Ayon Triton integrated amp or maybe the Rouge Audio mono blocks (150 WPC vs the 90 i have now).

With what i have what would your next move be.
Room treatment is one of the last things I did. It should not have been. Given the level of your equipment, I would learn as much as I could about room treatment, at least for bass control in the corners and some side reflection treatment. Much cheaper the component changes, and much more of a difference, given that you already have good gear. Don't know your speakers, but Bob Reynolds advice regarding the type of impedance load your speakers provide does have a lot to do with whether they are truly suitable for tubes amps - don't know. A benign impedance curve is critical for best performance with tube amps, and the higher the impedance the better.
I would try swapping the preamp. I know it's apples to watermelons but I demo'ed a Rouge pre years ago and it was rather dull on the top. I don't know all their models so I can't pinpoint this as your issue. Mark O'Brian is a good designer and I would ask his advice. Another solution would be the Radio Shack Super Tweeter to breathe life into the soundscape.

Are your speakers on good stands? Also I would experiment with cones under speakes and equipment. Reduce room reflections behind your speakers.
For definition and clarity, maybe worth thinking about the mains installation, and running your system from a balanced isolating transformer, i.e. equitech, well respected in the us. This made quite a difference to mine, i was happy overall tonally, and i listen to similar music to yours.