Analog Domain EQs

Anyone have any recommendations regarding equalizers that fully operate in the analog domain? I'm looking to do some room correction, but I don't want a digital component in my tubed-component chain. Ideally, the unit would have single ended inputs (as my system doesn't have XLR connections and I would prefer not to use RCA-XLR converters).
the Rives PARC is the best I have heard in the analog domain. however, it's limited just by that fact (not digital.) For room correction with EQ and crossover thrown in, for about the same $, check out the DEQX. Yes, it's digital, but doesn't sound like it. Do you have a CD player? Then you already have digital going on so don't worry about the 'tubed-component chain'. the DEQX can take digital in and offers digital out if desired.

I can't figure out what type of upsampling/oversampling the DEQX performs....Ed, do you know?
hi Lefty-

I forget offhand -it's on their site I think. I know it can take digital in in various rates, and I believe it does A->D (for analog source inputs) @ at least 24/96, maybe higher. It's software upgradable so pretty future proof (as much as any digital piece can be.).

will let you know how it works out when mine comes in (soon).

Looking forward to your comments, Ed. I couldnt find any information on the DAC/ADC, except that its 24 bit - no word on upsampling. Where did you purchase yours?
ah, the DEQX is 24/196. Interesting...looking forward to your comments on the device. Are you connecting between your preamp and amp, or between your source(s) and preamp?