Analog point of entry...

So, my only source to day is digital: Cary 303/300. I'd like to be able to play vinyl for the following reasons (not in any order):

1. I have lots of old albums that haven't been released on CD yet. And I'm sure there are more out there

2. I like the "hand on" idea

3. I believe in the benefits of this medium's unique sound.

My question is, what would be the price of admission - used - (incuding table, arm, cartridge AND phono pre) in order to match the fidelity of my CD Player.

Or, put another way, I don't vinyl playback that sounds junky compared to my digital playback.

Hey Readster, ;^)

Oh, BTW, you're system is unbelieveable!! Does it sound as good as I think it does??? Is it possible?
For CD's, I'm using a Classe CDT 1 transport and a Classe DAC 1 transport. A number of years ago, my old BIC turntable broke and I did not replace it. After my father passed away four years ago, I was given his old Benjamin Miracord 50H turntable. For anyone not familiar with this turntable, it can hardly be considered an audiophile turntable. I replaced the cartridge with a Grado Gold, placed it on some isolation points and put it to work in my system. I'm also using an Audible Illusions Modulus 3A preamp.
I have the Jazz at the Pawnshop CD and always loved the sound. I recently bought the LP recording and was surprised that the LP totally blew the CD away. Even my non-audiophile brother-in-law who was a sceptic easily heard the difference. LP's may be more work, but for me it's worth it. For sentimental reasons, I have not replaced the turntable yet, but if a turntable of this caliber can outperform my transport dac combo, I would love to hear what audiophile quality turntable sounds like.
For $3k you should be able to get a TT, arm, phono stage, cartridge, record cleaner, and supplies (making the assumption you buy the TT, arm and phono stage used). However, like I said, $3k can turn into $6k pretty fast.