Hi Paw - The 303/300 is a very good cdp, particularly if you put some good RCA clear top 12AU7's in it with a pair of Herbies Audio Hal-o's. This will be nearly impossible to beat with a $2500.00 analog setup. I have a VPI SuperScoutMaster with Benz Silver Ref cartridge, Hovland MusicGroove2 i/c and Vac Renaissance pre with phono and the Cary 303 competes with it in sound quality and listener enjotment. Yes, the vinyl playback is a bit better, but keep in mind that you will also need a decent record cleaner system, an isolation platform for your table, and the investment you will make in software before you complete the calculation as to whether you benefit from the switch. My advice would be - do both! Get into analog gradually and supplement your cd system.