Analogue question

As everyone else in the world this lockdown has been a change in "normal " behavior but has given many of us audiophiles plenty of time to listen to "our music " . Since I am planning to downsize my living space I have been going through various pieces of equipment to determine what I will keep and what I would let go . 5 days ago I have come across a maddening problem with my analogue set-up ! Everything sounds great until I want to play a record and before I even place the needle in the grove I get a serious hum through my speakers ! I originally suspected I was getting acoustic feedback because my amp was close to the speakers . Yesterday I moved all the equipment to a distance of 6-10 feet from the speakers and still get the hum when I switch to analogue. Starting to wonder if it is coming from the turntable itself but before I take the time and energy to reset a new rig thought I would post a question on this forum. Any help would be greatly appreciated . Set-up is as follows : Dual Golden turntable w/ortofon red cartridge , McCormack UDP player , Forte 2a preamp feeding Forte 4A amp , speakers are Vandersteen 1C , interconnects KimberKable Heroes ,speaker wire Nordost Blue and Tice power conditioner . 
I switched the tt power to a separate outlet that is on it's own line and still get the hum. Going to try and replace the phono cable and start all over again .
Hello Wazoo.  With time, the connections to the phono cartridge itself can oxidize. Slide all four of the connections to the cartridge on and off 10 times (one at a time) and see if that helps. Replacing the cables from the turntable to the amplifying device was a good idea.
Recently My turntable was making a similar hum and the meters on my Phono PreAmp were going nuts.  Turns out it was the WiFi Satellite that I had placed near my equipment.  I had a satellite so that I could plug in Ethernet cables directly and didn't have the dropouts of WiFi with my streamer or TV.  Evidently the WiFi Satellite caused a bunch of gain that interfered with the system. I moved the Satellite into a room behind the system, a good 15 feet away and ran Ethernet through the wall and it solved the problem.  I am also told that if your turntable cables run parallel to any power cable that can cause similar issues.
If it were a cable or contact problem it would only occur in one channel.
Wazoo, does the hum get worse as you move the tonearm across the record?? If it does you have a motor ground or shielding problem. 
I love Rega TTs, but I heard they have that him issue unless you get the right cartridge. I would still love to get a P6 or P8. Maybe someday.