Analogue v. Digital...again (Washington Post)

This is an interesting article and it features a couple of A vs. D recordings so you can try to tell the difference. Michael Fremer had a brief remark in the "comments" section. Hopefully, this Washington Post link for non-subscribers works:



Showing 3 responses by mulveling

The article is actually about Tom Port of Better Records, quite frankly he comes off as an off-putting nutcase. And he can’t help himself from trashing respectable companies like Analogue Productions. So he uses the following gear to listen to $7 common records and anoint a portion of them as $500 "super hot stampers":

  • Dynavector Karat
  • Triplanar arm
  • VPI Aries
  • Legacy Focus 20/20 Speakers

That’s a pretty damn good return on his circa-2000 gear investment. I’d be the richest man on earth if I could leverage my gear so effectively 😂

I’d rather if WP hadn’t focused on him - it’s not a good look for our hobby.

Where do you buy the system you listed for "circa 2000"? Presumably you mean dollars and not some exotic cryptocurrency.

I mean it’s exactly the kind of system an enthusiast might have bought 20 years ago, around the year 2000. Yes, it would be much more than $2000, even then. It's fine gear - but probably NOT a great microscope into recordings by today's standards. 

The article is behind a paywall now, but I was able to read it a few days ago. It’s really about Better Records and their selection process, so posing it as "Vinyl vs. Digital" is clickbait-worthy. The Better Records guy bashes all modern reissues (along with the companies that make them), chiding one particular reissue as sounding "dun dun dun" (or something like that) in the bass - and I can’t help but thinking it’s his old Legacy Focus speakers doing that 😂

Sorry guys, you’re right I inadvertently shorted that article (now it’s behind the paywall) - my bad. And I know Triplanar is by all accounts a great arm that’s been continually updated - but from the system pics it didn’t look like Tom has been keeping up with the "latest and greatest" for a while (e.g. the VPI and Legacy).