Andy Kim - Needle Clinic

I wanted to put this post out there about Andy Kim of Needle Clinic, located in Bellevue, Washington. As many may know, Andy is a cartridge re-tipper. I tried to find some older posts to add my comments but couldn't find them. So I'll start another OP. I just got my Lyra Kleos back from Andy today. Here's my comments.

My Kleos sounded a little off lately, so I thought it should be checked out. I sent it to Andy Kim. It turns out all that was needed was the stylus required a cleaning and polishing. Andy reported back that the stylus only has about 10 percent wear; IOW plenty of life left.

So I remounted the Kleos today and have been playing all types of music: rock and roll, classical, and so forth. The Kleos sounds wonderful; just great. Kudos to Andy Kim.

Fyi -- some may ask why I didn't send it to Peter Ledermann at Sound-Smith. I seem to recall reading somewhere that he's been unusually busy lately -- and with good reason -- and turn around might be a bit delayed. Also, I'm not sure Peter uses replacement cantilever/stylus assemblies that match (or at least come close to) the original. Andy does.
Anyway, that is a bridge I don't have to cross today.

Bottom line: Andy turned my cartridge within a week of receipt and I am pleased.
Jcoehler...thank you very much for the info! I'll follow
what you did. I really appreciate your help! I'll let
everyone know how it turns out.

UPDATE: I used the email address that Jcoehler provided and
within just a few hours my Delos is already on the way to
Audioquest, then onto Japan for inspection/repair.
Audioquest has been EXCELLENT to work with.

I'll keep everyone posted as to it's progress.

Jcoehler, thanks again for the info!!!
Just got back my Benz LPS reconditioned by Andy. Sounds terrific. A very happy customer.
I have just received word from Andy that he was successful in the repair of the suspension on the Technics U205C MK III.
This should be great news for anyone that owns this cartridge because there are no replacements other than Jico.
Total cost was $67 and I am all smiles!
Thanks Don, However I would appreciate if you posted this good news in my thread 'Technics 205 suspension'. There is no single responce there while my question is as specific as your answer. The 'Andy thread' is more, uh, general.